$AII Token Utility

$AII tokens fuel the AI-DOL ecosystem, unlocking exclusive utilities for managers, fans, and advertisers. These tokens enable meaningful interactions, fan-driven decisions, and innovative collaborations, fostering a dynamic community around virtual entertainment:

1. Manager Utility:

  • Control: Token holders have voting rights on significant decisions affecting the idol's career and personal life, such as:

    • Whether an idol should start dating or avoid romantic entanglements.

    • Choosing the language of the next song (English or Korean).

    • Deciding between collaboration options (e.g., Rich Brian or JJ Lin).

    • Voting on tour locations (e.g., Kuala Lumpur or Singapore).

  • Revenue Sharing: A portion of AI-DOL's earnings from music sales, merchandise, and performances is distributed among token holders who have staked a significant amount of $AII. This system not only rewards long-term investment in the idols' success but also aligns the interests of the idols and their supporters.

2. Fan Utility:

  • Recognition:

    • Token holders receive acknowledgment for their participation and support. For example, donating tokens might highlight and display their names during a live stream.

    • High-level contributors can receive exclusive interactions, such as virtual selfies with AI-DOL, featured on social media as special acknowledgments.

  • Care:

    • Beyond mere support, fans can directly impact the well-being and success of their favorite idols. Through $AII tokens, fans can contribute towards the idols' needs, be it for collaborative projects with major bands or ensuring the idols can enjoy well-deserved breaks. This layer of interaction deepens the connection between fans and idols, fostering a community of care.

3. Advertiser Utility:

  • Advertisers seeking to tap into the vibrant and dedicated fanbase of AI-DOL can leverage $AII tokens to initiate collaborations. This opens up unique promotional opportunities, including the creation of exclusive content that features advertisers' products or services, presented in the immersive world of AI-DOL. Such collaborations are not only effective in reaching a targeted audience but also in creating memorable campaigns that resonate with the community.

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